All content decisions will be made in occurrence to the following provisions, while keeping in mind that the overall purpose, role and goal of all MSD Media is to

  1. Inform, interpret, and entertain their viewers through accurate and factual reports, where information has been thoroughly gathered and information has been completely verified;
  2. Serve as an educational laboratory experience for those on staff;
  3. Be accurate, fair, and impartial in its coverage of issues that affect the school community;
  4. MSD Media will not avoid publishing a story solely on the basis of possible dissent or controversy;
  5. Cover the total school population as effectively and accurately as possible;
  6. The staff of MSD Media will strive to report all issues in a legal, objective, accurate and ethical manner, according to the Canons of Professional Journalism developed by the Society for Professional Journalists. The Canons of Professional Journalism include a code of  ethics concerning accuracy, responsibility, integrity, conflict of interest, impartiality, fair play, freedom of  the press, independence, sensationalism, personal privacy, obstruction of justice, creditability and advertising.

Last modified: Sunday, April 9, 2017, 6:37 PM